Dina Cormick

Artist Name:Dina Cormick
Year of birth: 1942
Artist information:

Dina Cormick was born in Nkana, Zambia in 1942. She went to school in Harare,Zimbabwe and came to South Africa after a two year stay in London, where she was trained as a nurse. She then studied Fine Art for one year at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. From 1966-78 she was a free-lance artist in a variety of media. She has shown her work in many group exhibitions and also in seven solo exhibitions in South Africa, Germany, and London.

Images of Human Rights Portfolio, 1996 by 1996 by Artists for Human Rights Trust [ISBN 0-620-20801-5]

See: https://durbanet.co.za/exhib/d...

Dina Cormick
Freedom of Religion, Relief and Opinion
CCAC# 0461d

Dina Cormick
Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion
CCAC# 0607