Dominic Thorburn

Artist Name:Dominic Thorburn
Nationality:South African
Year of birth: 1958
Artist information:

Born in 1958 in Rondebosch, Cape Town, Dominic Thorburn received a Masters of Fine Art Degree from Rhodes University and trained as a printer at the Tamrind Intitute, University of New Mexico, USA. He has received numerous bursaries and awards and has exhibited widely in South Africa and overseas. Dominic Thorburn is presently a Professor (Printmedia) at Rhodes University School of Fine Art. He has been involved in a number of research projects and is most recently experimenting in the field of digital media.

Source: Images of Human Rights Portfolio, 1996 by 1996 by Artists for Human Rights Trust[ISBN 0-620-20801-5]


Dominic Thorburn
Earth- Mother- Earth
CCAC# 0461j

Dominic Thorburn
Earth- Mother- Earth
CCAC# 0612