Ian Marley

Artist Name:Ian Marley
Year of birth: 1965
Artist information:
Born in 1965 in Gibraltar, Ian Marley came to South Africa as a young child. He attended Vaal Triangle Technikon, where he received a national Higher Diploma in Fine Art. He first worked at the Technikon as a technician and later as a lecturer, before accepting a teaching position at the Free State Technikon in Bloemfontein. His work has been included in a number of regional and national exhibitions.

Source: Images of Human Rights Portfolio. 1996 [ISBN 0-620-20801-5]

See: https://durbanet.co.za/exhib/d...

Ian Marley
Portfolio cover
CCAC# 0451

Ian Marley
Servitude is Like the Tide, It Changes
CCAC# 0461f

Ian Marley
Servitude is Like the Tide, It Changes
CCAC# 0609