Pieta Robin

Artist Name:Pieta Robin
Year of birth: 1966
Artist information:

Pieta Zebo Robin was born in 1966 in Wamboland, Namibia. He left school in standard 6 and joined the military at the age of 18. After his demobilisation in 1987, he started creating detailed sketches of the war and the traditional ifestyle of his people, the !Xu Bushmen. He also carved motorcars and aeroplanes for his own enjoyment. In 1990 Pieta Robin moved to Schmidtsdrift in the Northern Cape, where he is encouraged in his artistic endeavour and supplied with materials by the !XU & KHWE Cultural Project.

Sources: Images of Human Rights Portfolio, 1996 by Artists for Human Rights Trust [ISBN 0-620-20801-5]


Pieta Robin
Arrested, Detained and Accused Persons
CCAC# 0366

Pieta Robin
Arrested, detained and accused persons
CCAC# 0461ac

Pieta Robin
Arrested, Detained and Accused Persons
CCAC# 0631