Blood Guns and Revolutions: Passage of Time

CCAC #: 0636
Artwork title: Blood Guns and Revolutions: Passage of Time
Artist(s): Thabang Lehobye
Msaki (Asanda Lusaseni Mvana)
Year made: 2020
Artwork type: Video
Medium: Stop motion animation and music
Video art duration: 6:16
Edition: 1/15
Source: Donated by the artists
Year acquired: 2022
Installation type: Movable artwork
Location area: On a travelling exhibition

By interlinking the apartheid past with current day inequality, the continual cycle of police brutality and violence against Black people, as evinced at the Marikana Massacre in 2012, is depicted. The artists question how the sacrifice of Black lives under apartheid continue to be commemorated by politicians, yet many are left struggling and exploited to enrich those in power today.

We, the people of South Africa, Recognise the injustices of our past; Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land; Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity. - Preamble, Constitution of South Africa, 1996

Themes: Music
Miners' rights
Marikana Massacre (16 August 2012)
Constitutional links: Just administrative action (section 33)
Human dignity - constitutional value (section 1a, section 10)

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.