Day of Freedom

CCAC #: 0202
Artwork title: Day of Freedom
Artist(s): Jane Makhubele
Billy Makhubele
Year made: 1994
Artwork type: Textile
Medium: Beadwork and printed fabric on board
Dimensions (mm): 1116 x 1443
Framed dimensions (in mm): 1305 x 1625 x 60
Source: Donated by Albie Sachs
Installation type: Movable artwork
Location area: On a travelling exhibition

This artwork formed part of the MANDELA@90 exhibition held in the Constitutional Court in 2008, showcasing and celebrating Nelson Mandela’s life. President Mandela, aged 77, is depicted casting his vote in the first democratic elections in Inanda, KwaZulu-Natal, 1994.

CCAC 431876

Photographer: Staff
Photo copyright: CCT

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.