Embroidered Banner

CCAC #: 0398
Artwork title: Embroidered Banner
Organisation: Meropa Heritage Group
Year made: 2005
Artwork type: Textile
Medium: Thread on Fabric
Dimensions (mm): 2830 x 1470
Artwork series: Embroidered banners (Judges' Lounge)
Source: Commissioned by the court's architectural committee
Year acquired: 2005
Installation type: Integrated artwork
Current location: On private display

These works were made in Johannesburg by members of the Meropa Heritage Group, based in rural Limpopo. The artworks represent ‘city life’ from the perspective of the artists who modified traditional Ndebele forms to assemble the designs. The room’s architecture suggests that of a chapel, making the artworks evocative of stained glass windows.

CCAC 432250

Photographer: Unrecorded
Photo copyright: Consult with CCT curatorial team

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.