Gaza: Lest We Forget

CCAC #: 0438
Artwork title: Gaza: Lest We Forget
Artist(s): Pitika Ntuli
Year made: 2015
Artwork type: Sculpture or object
Medium: Animal bones
Dimensions (mm): 1560 x 2570 x 1520
Source: Donated by the artist
Year acquired: 2024
Installation type: Movable artwork
Current location: On public display

The world has seen too many massacres. Black South Africans - young and old, male and female, but almost always poor - died under the brutality of the colonial and apartheid regimes. After a massacre in Gaza, the artist created this sculpture in remembrance of the brutal killing of people across the world. The bones, from animals who died of natural causes, are totems of those who have died during conflict or war. The carving of some bones symbolises those whose bodies are identifiable after a massacre. The clean bones represent those left unidentifiable, depriving their loved ones the closure of a funeral. Partial carving on some bones signifies the unfulfilled potential of lives cut short.

The artist wrote an accompanying poem to this work:

Gaza: Lest We Forget

Rwanda, Serbia, Iraq, Biafra, Sharpeville, Columbine
On and on and on and on
Like you we have bled where no wounds were seen
We rose against the nocturnal beasts
Who glory in death
We slipped on bars of soap in our prison cells
Drowned in basins in our prison cells
Hunted across borders
Betrayed by our own
Supported by cousins of those who kill us
We have seen strange things in our times
Now we ride on a crest of a wave of freedom in our land
You too will ride your wave
If we stand together
Compare our wounds our pains, our defiances, our dreams our love for freedom and peace
You too will live to sing new songs of freedom / In Your Land!!!

CCAC 432980

Photographer: Akona Kenqu
Photo copyright: Stacey Vorster
Artwork copyright: Artist

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.