Hlabisa Basket

CCAC #: 0159
Artwork title: Hlabisa Basket
Artist(s): Angeline Masuku
Year made: c. 2003
Artwork type: Sculpture or object
Medium: ilala palm fronds
Dimensions (mm): 790 x 480 x 230
Artwork collections: Hlabisa Basketry
Source: Bought by the artworks committee from the African Art Centre
Year acquired: 2003
Installation type: Movable artwork
Location area: In storage

Masuku makes baskets out of “pure love”, yet they also enable her to be self-sufficient and to pay for her children’s education. Masuku also passes on her knowledge of weaving to the younger generation as a means of making an income, like she was taught at a young age.

CCAC 433414

Photographer: Staff
Photo copyright: CCT

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.