Human Head and Buck skeleton in Landscape

CCAC #: 0171
Artwork title: Human Head and Buck skeleton in Landscape
Artist(s): Leonard Matsoso
Year made: 1972
Artwork type: Paper
Medium: Lithograph; ink on paper
Framed dimensions (in mm): 665 x 505
Edition: 19/55
Source: Unrecorded
Installation type: Movable artwork
Location area: On public display

In this work, Matsoso comments on hunger, malnutrition, and famine due to conflict and violence. Accordingly, this work can be interpreted as referring to internalised psychological tensions, and the need for advocacy for the reconciliation between opposing forces, as well as the effects of these contestations within the human form.

CCAC 433596

Photographer: Unrecorded
Photo copyright: Consult with CCT curatorial team

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.