Moving into Dance

CCAC #: 0011
Artwork title: Moving into Dance
Artist(s): Orlando de Almeida
Contributor(s): Charl van der Merwe
Year made: 2004
Artwork type: Sculpture or object
Medium: Resin, fibreglass and mixed media
Dimensions (mm): 2700 x 5500 x 2200
Source: Broken Hill Proprietary Billiton enabled the installation on Constitution Hill
Year acquired: 2004
Installation type: Permanently installed
Current location: On public display

Moving into Dance consists of seven figures in motion who introduce the aesthetic energy of the Constitution Hill precinct, and that of the Constitutional Court specifically. De Almeida grew up in Mozambique and supported the national resistance movement against Portuguese colonisation that happened between 1964 – 1975. The figures represent South Africa’s new democracy and the mostly harmonious relationship between gender, race, and creed after the 1994 democratic elections. The joy depicted through their movement is symbolic of the transition into the new South Africa where those previously divided could now stand united. In his old age, De Almeida was reported often visiting the Constitutional Court to see the enlarged version of his maquette that was constructed by Van Der Merwe.

CCAC 432548

Photographer: Ben Law-Viljoen
Photo copyright: CCT

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.