A seat at the table

CCAC #: 0652
Artwork title: A seat at the table
Artist(s): Obakeng Masilo
Year made: 2023
Artwork type: Paper
Medium: Lithographic mixed media print preferably on stained Fabriano
Dimensions (mm): 454 x 340
Framed dimensions (in mm): 575 x 470 x 35
Edition: 2/6
Artwork collections: CCAC Student Competition 2023
Source: Selected winning entry of CCAC Student Competition in 2023
Year acquired: 2023
Installation type: Movable artwork
Current location: In storage

The work explores inclusivity through an animalistic scene. A diverse group of human-animal hybrids gather around a table, symbolising the value of representation and equal participation to constitutionalism. The background references the wooden doors of the Constitutional Court depicting the 27 fundamental human rights of the Constitution.

CCAC 682405

Caption: This work is similar in appearance to CCAC #0651 but it is a second addition of the same work— it is a distinct work.
Photographer: CCT Staff
Photo copyright: CCT
Artwork copyright: Artist

Does this listing contain information that you think we should improve or change? We would like to hear from you.

NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.