CCAC Student Competition 2023

Collection information:

The Constitutional Court Trust (CCT) developed a travelling exhibition of the Constitutional Court Art Collection (CCAC) to mark 30 years of democracy in South Africa in 2024. As part of this project, the CCT sought for new original photographs and print artworks that are inspired by and reflective of the Constitutional Court building, both the exterior and public areas of the interior, its immediate environment and those integrated artworks that form part of the fabric of the court building.

The CCT invited visual arts students in Gauteng to document the court environment creatively through photography and printmaking, so as to communicate the sense of the architecture and design of the Constitutional Court and to encourage youth engagement with, and representation in, the CCAC. Up to 10 limited edition artworks produced by participating students and entered into this competition were selected for inclusion in the CCAC travelling exhibition to better carry and communicate a sense of the court's architecture and integrated artworks as the collection is exhibited in other environments.

Each student that won the pilot competition produced a limited edition of up to 10 signed and numbered editions. Five of these were donated to the CCT in late 2023 for the following purposes: two editions went to the CCT for inclusion in the CCAC travelling exhibition as part of its permanent collection, one edition went to the Higher Education Institute where the winning artist studied, and two editions to the Foundation for Society, Law and Art in South Africa (FSLASA) for a fund-raising auction to benefit the CCAC endowment fund.

See the full competition winners announcement here:

Obakeng Masilo
CCAC# 0649

Obakeng Masilo
CCAC# 0650

Obakeng Masilo
A seat at the table
CCAC# 0651

Obakeng Masilo
A seat at the table
CCAC# 0652

Rametse Gilbert Maepa
The tales of African intellectualism
CCAC# 0653

Rametse Gilbert Maepa
The tales of African intellectualism
CCAC# 0654

Kamogelo Violet Sebopa
Godzilla Revisited
CCAC# 0655

Kamogelo Violet Sebopa
Godzilla Revisited
CCAC# 0656

Bheki Anderson Sibiya
Umuz'osentabeni (The Light)
CCAC# 0657

Bheki Anderson Sibiya
Umuz'osentabeni (The Light)
CCAC# 0658