
CCAC #: 0661
Artwork title: Lekgotla
Artist(s): Mohau Moholane
Year made: 2024
Artwork type: Paper
Medium: Etching
Dimensions (mm): 300 x 235
Edition: 1/10
Artwork collections: CCAC Student Competition 2024
Source: Selected winning entry of CCAC Student Competition in 2024
Year acquired: 2024
Installation type: Movable artwork
Location area: On a travelling exhibition

Lekgotla is a Sesotho/Setswana term for a democratic forum used by communities to settle disputes, as is embodied in the concept of “justice under a tree”. The print shows wooden logs that form a gathering space, speaking to indigenous practices of collective responsibility and decision making through discourse. The chair arrangement symbolises individual voices and perspectives that converge within the communal space, each contributing to the collective narrative. The plastic chairs in the traditional court setting hints at how tradition merges with modern influences.

CCAC 1112631

Photographer: Artist
Photo copyright: Artist

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.