All Shall Be Afforded Dignity

CCAC #: 0341
Artwork title: All Shall Be Afforded Dignity
Artist(s): Norman Kaplan
Year made: 1996
Artwork type: Paper
Medium: Linocut on paper
Dimensions (mm): 562 x 377
Artwork series: Images of Human Rights print portfolio
Source: A portfolio was given to Judge Albie Sachs when he opened the exhibition of the "Images of Human Rights " portfolio at the Durban Art Gallery on 10th December (International Human Rights Day) 1997.
Year acquired: 1997
Installation type: Movable artwork
Current location: On private display

The right to have one’s dignity respected and protected belongs to everyone. It is an inalienable constitutional imperative. The mother and child depicted is a reminder that the right to dignity begins from birth.

Constitutional links: Human dignity - constitutional value (section 1a, section 10)

CCAC 429126

Photographer: Ben Law-Viljoen
Photo copyright: CCT

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.