Long Shadow (Eastern)

CCAC #: 0419b
Artwork title: Long Shadow (Eastern)
Artist(s): Willem Boshoff
Year made: 2008
Artwork type: Sculpture or object
Medium: Flat polished granite slabs
Artwork multipart work: Long Shadow
Source: Commissioned by DPW and executed by Blue IQ
Year acquired: 2004
Installation type: Integrated artwork
Current location: On public display

The shadows represent those who were endlessly and unfairly detained on this prison site during apartheid. The shadows at the foot of the Constitutional Court’s entrance steps portray four hopeful prisoners, a young person, a woman and two men standing where the Awaiting Trial Block used to be; it was demolished to make space for the Court. Their slightly erect bodies symbolise a flicker of hope of being freed from prison as their cases have not been heard or finalised. To the far western side, at the foot of the steps leading to the Women’s Jail, three remaining shadows stand with their bodies hunched over as their cases have left them uncertain. One of the shadows has moved on, either to prison or, for the lucky few, to freedom. Visitors may stand at the feet of the almost-forgotten prisoners, imagining that the shadows are their own, to empathise with the torment of multitudes of people who were kept endlessly and unfairly, and to remember the injustices of the past that, in part, prohibited free movement and association. From the new open ground of Constitution Square, we become one with those shadows that had fought for our freedom, and that constantly face the Court in expectation of justice to be done.

CCAC 434332

Photographer: Staff
Photo copyright: CCT

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NOTE: The process of photographing artworks in the CCAC is underway - we are currently working to improve image quality and display on the CMS but have included internal reference photos for identification purposes in the interim.