Brass stair nosings by Jabu Nala

Collection information:

Jabu comes from a matriarchal family of distinguished potters. Together with her two sisters, she was taught the traditional skill of Zulu pottery by their mother Nesta Nala, and they all have produced vessels for both local and international markets. The designs of the brass nosings are inspired by the intrinsic patterns and motifs that adorn Zulu clay pots, of which the Nala family is well renowned.

Varying lengths of tiles were cast in bronze to serve as non-slip strips, and to lend a beauty and warmth to the Great African Steps, and the courtroom of the Constitutional Court. The integration of traditional craft into a modern building adds to a sense of belonging and placemaking. It further symbolises the reconciliation of Western and indigenous African practices, through change and continuity.

In 2023, the Constitutional Court building architects, Janina Masojada and Andrew Makin of DesignWorkshop SA, donated the brass casting samples used to fabricate the final stair nosings installed in the building, to the Constitutional Court Art Collection.

CCAC Int Tra Masojada Janina 20220831 final docx

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024a

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024b

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024c

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024d

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024e

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024f

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024g

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024h

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024i

Jabu Nala
Brass stair nosing
CCAC# 0024j