Edwine Simon

Artist Name:Edwine Simon
Nationality:South African
Year of birth: 1939
Artist information:

Edwine Simon was born in Luanshya, in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) in 1939 and came to South Africa at the age of three. She graduated in Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. She was awarded a scholarship for overseas study and completed a postgraduate certificate in Education at the University of London. She was vice-principal of the Ruth Prowse School of Fine Art and Design. Edwine Simon has held nine solo exhibitions and also participated in numerous group exhibitions.

Source: Images of Human Rights Portfolio, 1996 by 1996 by Artists for Human Rights Trust[ISBN 0-620-20801-5]

See: https://durbanet.co.za/exhib/d...

Edwine Simon
Fair labour practices
CCAC# 0461u

Edwine Simon
Labour Relations
CCAC# 0623