Labour relations (section 23)


23. Labour relations

1. Everyone has the right to fair labour practices.

2. Every worker has the right ­
a. to form and join a trade union;
b. to participate in the activities and programmes of a trade union; and
c. to strike.

3. Every employer has the right ­
a. to form and join an employers' organisation; and
b. to participate in the activities and programmes of an employers' organisation.

4. Every trade union and every employers' organisation has the right ­
a. to determine its own administration, programmes and activities;
b. to organise; and
c. to form and join a federation.

5. Every trade union, employers' organisation and employer has the right to engage in collective bargaining. National legislation may be enacted to regulate collective bargaining. To the extent that the legislation may limit a right in this Chapter, the limitation must comply with section 36(1).

6. National legislation may recognise union security arrangements contained in collective agreements. To the extent that the legislation may limit a right in this Chapter, the limitation must comply with section 36(1).

- The South African Bill of Rights (Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa)

Jan du Toit
The Fruits of Labour
CCAC# 0068

Penny Siopis
Forgotten Family 1
CCAC# 0239

Edwine Simon
Labour Relations
CCAC# 0623

Ezekiel Budeli
Ancestral Kingdom
CCAC# 0624