S v Makwanyane & Another (1995)


An early landmark case of the Constitutional Court of South Africa in which the death penalty was declared unconstitutional and struck down. Judge President Chaskalson held that retribution cannot be accorded the same weight under the Constitution as the rights to life and dignity, which are the most important of all the rights in the Bill of Rights.

For further information relating to this matter, please visit the Constitutional Court's repository of court cases and documentation.

Wilma Cruise
The Right to Life
CCAC# 0056

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No. 21 Albert Tywilli
CCAC# 0129

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No.11 Zonga Mokgathla
CCAC# 0131

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No.10 Justice "Basie" Bekebeke
CCAC# 0132

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No. 05 Gudrani "Myner" Bowa
CCAC# 0135

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No.18 and No. 19 Gideon Madlongwane and Evelina De Bruin
CCAC# 0136

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No.15 Boy Jafta
CCAC# 0137

Colin Kahanovitz
Accused No. 1 Kenneth Khumalo
CCAC# 0139

William Zulu
CCAC# 0342

William Zulu
CCAC# 0630