Images of Human Rights – African Steps window application

Series information:

Based on a portfolio gifted through Justice Albie Sachs at the Durban Art Gallery, where the portfolio was first shown, on 10 December 1996 (International Human Rights Day)

The Images of Human Rights portfolio, consisting of 29 prints by 27 South African artists across the country’s provinces, depicts artistic impressions of the 27 fundamental Bill of Rights listed in the Constitution of South Africa, including a front and back cover. These images make known in an accessible way the rights that are to be upheld and enforced by the Constitutional Court. The artworks do not belong to any particular artistic style, educational tradition or cultural background, but are a product born of South Africa’s diversity.

The making of the portfolio, of which a full printed set is contained in the CCAC, was a collective effort. Coral Vinson, Terry-Anne Stevenson, and master printmaker Jan Jordaan conceived the portfolio project, while various South African museums and galleries nominated artists from their respective regions to participate. The project was also supported by volunteers drawn from human rights and art-related organisations.

The intent behind the publishing of the portfolio –in the year the Constitution was adopted–was to advance human rights education while raising awareness of South Africa's artistic talent abroad.

The constitutional provision each image represents is included in text on the physical panels, while here the titles the artists gave to their artworks are listed.

A vinyl application of the portfolio was done around 2004, but had deteriorated. In March 2023, the vinyl was replaced with sandblasting as it is better suited to withstand the outside elements.

Images of Human Rights A3 Final no readable shapes page 0001

Norman Kaplan
South Africa's Bill of Rights
CCAC# 0461a

John Roome
Peaceful Protest
CCAC# 0461aa

Carina Minnaar
CCAC# 0461ab

Pieta Robin
Arrested, detained and accused persons
CCAC# 0461ac

Philippa Hobbs
Received By the Tongue
CCAC# 0461b

Margaret Gradwell
A Fair Deal
CCAC# 0461c

Dina Cormick
Freedom of Religion, Relief and Opinion
CCAC# 0461d

Nhlanhla Xaba
Migrant Family Life in South Africa
CCAC# 0461e

Ian Marley
Servitude is Like the Tide, It Changes
CCAC# 0461f

Freedom and Security of the Person
CCAC# 0461g

William Zulu
CCAC# 0461h

Norman Kaplan
All Shall Be Afforded Dignity
CCAC# 0461i

Dominic Thorburn
Earth- Mother- Earth
CCAC# 0461j

Samkelo Bunu
CCAC# 0461k

David Yule
Safe as Housing
CCAC# 0461l

Vedant Nanackchand
Access to Courts
CCAC# 0461m

Sophie Peters
Just Administrative Action
CCAC# 0461n

Diane Victor
Access to Information
CCAC# 0461o

Andrew Verster
Cultural Association
CCAC# 0461p

Thami Jali
Free Language and Free Culture
CCAC# 0461q

Vuyile Voyiya
The Right to Education
CCAC# 0461r

Sibusiso Sabela
Children's Rights
CCAC# 0461s

Philip Willem Badenhorst
Peace of Mind
CCAC# 0461t

Edwine Simon
Fair labour practices
CCAC# 0461u

Ezekiel Budeli
Ancestral Kingdom
CCAC# 0461v

Carina Minnaar
CCAC# 0461w

Azaria Mbatha
CCAC# 0461x

Kim Berman
Political Rights
CCAC# 0461y

Jonathan Comerford
Freedom of Association
CCAC# 0461z